Highway Department

Tom Walker, Superintendent of Streets & Building Maintenance


The Highway Department is responsible for the seasonal and winter maintenance of Northfield's 85 miles of roadways, the storm drainage system, and all construction projects.  The Department also provides operational support for the Cemetery and Tree, and employees also assist in snow removal, emergency response and other Departmental functions as needed.

The specific functions of this division include

  • Maintaining the Town’s streets, sidewalks and curbing in accordance with the directives of the Selectboard. This includes the normal seasonal maintenance such as street sweeping, applying pavement markings, filling potholes, repairing damaged curbing, grading and maintaining gravel roads, paving, and winter snow and ice removal;
  • Maintaining the Town’s stormwater drainage system, including cleaning the Town’s catch basins annually and adjusting structures as needed due to paving;
  • Conducting construction projects relative to improving the Town’s public works infrastructure, including paving, sidewalk and curbing repairs and extensions, and drainage improvements and extensions;
  • Responding to citizen requests and complaints relative to the Public Works projects and infrastructure;
  • Supervising and assisting in contracted Public Works projects, including reconstruction of streets and drainage, crack filling and sealing streets;
  • Routine maintenance on the Department's vehicles, and
  • Assisting other Town Departments (School, Police, Fire, Town Hall) with projects as needed.


Thomas Walker

