Dog Related Bylaws

Dog Leash Law
By-Law voted at Annual Town Meeting on 5/1/00
No dog shall be permitted in any street or public place,  unless it is effectively restrained by a chain or leash not exceeding twelve (12) feet in length twenty-four (24) hours per day. No person shall keep any dog which by biting, barking, howling,  or in any manner disturbs the peace and quiet of a neighborhood or endangers the safety of any person; nor shall any person permit to roam unleashed any dog that wantonly or without provocation worries or attacks any person or dog or other animal. Enforcement shall be the responsibility of the Police Department and/or the Dog Officer. A fine of $25.00 will be levied for each violation of this by-law.
Dogs Running at Large
Regulation voted by Selectboard in April, 1999
The Northfield Board of Selectmen, acting under the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 140, Section 167 are continuing the order that became effective February 10, 1975, whereby all dogs are to be restrained from running at large; said order to remain in effect until further notice.
Any dog being hunted, trained or accompanied by its master, who must accept full responsibility for the dog’s behavior, shall not be considered running unrestrained.
Failure to comply with the provisions of this order may result in the dog being confined at a local kennel at the owner’s expense.
Dog Waste *
It shall be the duty of each person who owns, possesses or controls a dog to remove and dispose of any feces left by such dog on any sidewalk, gutter, street, cemetery, school yard or other maintained public area, or on any maintained private property neither owned nor occupied by said person.
Violation of this Bylaw may be penalized by a non-criminal disposition of the violation as provided in the General Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 40, Section 21D.  Penalty: Warning for the first offense; Warning for the second offense; $20.00 for the third and subsequent offenses.
Enforcing Persons: Dog Officer, Police Officers
Registering & Licensing of Dogs *
All persons residing in the Town of Northfield and keeping and/or maintaining a dog in said Town shall be obligated to register/license each dog on an annual basis. Proof of current Rabies vaccination will be required at registration as required under the General Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 140, Section 137 and Section 145B, or any amendments thereto.  Registration/licensing will be held between February 14th and March 31st of each year.
Residents acquiring new dogs six months old or over, or new residents who bring dogs six months old or over, into the Town of Northfield,  will have 30 days from the date of acquiring the dog, or in the case of a new resident, from the date when such person begins residency, in which to comply with this By-law.
Violation of this Bylaw may be penalized by a non-criminal disposition of the violation as provided in the General Laws of Massachusetts, Chapter 40, Section 21D. Penalty: $15.00.
Enforcing Persons: Dog Officer, Police Officers, Town Clerk.