AARP/Life Path Age & Dementia Friendly Project

AARP and Life Path’s Age and Dementia Friendly Project has accepted Northfield to participate in this important initiative after the Northfield Select Board voted in favor on September 7, 2021. 

Contact Life Path's Program Manager Carol Foote for more information

To learn more about this initiative please click on the links below for articles written for the Age and Dementia Friendly Project.


Dear Age-Friendly Community,


I would like to start by offering a huge Thank You to everyone who has participated in, shared, or otherwise supported our work since the start of 2022. I continue to be inspired by how much this community cares about the future of our elders and ensuring that our towns are supportive of people of all ages, despite often limited resources and capacity.


I am especially grateful to everyone who filled out or shared our age-friendly community survey, which we conducted between January 24th and March 11th. This survey is the main component of our needs assessment process, and was created collaboratively last fall by age-friendly champions from our participating towns.


Amazingly, we have received almost 2000 survey responses from across the region. Our team is currently working on analyzing this wealth of data to create reports that we can share with you soon. At the same time that survey analysis is happening, we will be continuing our data collection through other methods, including focus groups and interviews with important target populations.


Once our reporting from the survey and these other methods is ready, we will use these insights to create an Age-Friendly Action Plan for the region. That process will also be a participatory one where stakeholders and residents from across the region will be invited to help us identify short, medium and long term strategies to respond to the most pressing needs of our area elders.


Life Path’s  Age and Dementia Friendly Project articles and presentations:

Audio upgrades for Town Hall & Dickinson Library

Audiologist Dr. Fisher's presentation on Hearing Healthcare

Article 1: